
Monday 19 July 2021

but 'propper' music...

The absolute impossibility of yank search ever having a brain: stick in (my writing panel here, who happen to own youtube) 




and everything else but surely the one piece of music that IS life...

as we dream it

comes up

so you have to do it like this...

anything in big red is a must, ...maybe ...

all i know is that every single next phase that came along in life over 20 years i simply could never ever have predicted one second of it ever....and i am a deep deep very balanced philosopher and quite good observer of mankind....and good lit and other thought.

But.... Gorecki 3

MUST be Upshaw, there was only ever one Dawn

her version of "Sorrow" makes the lands of my lass  less sorrowful - hey they still had heart to love their pierogi! But that's about all. And when they thought we had it all. well they made a little booby. 


Sadness, mine.....i never had poise and grace to fully understand Italian... language or mind for that matter.

except that they can be a tad sexist piggies.... His 'Official' channel does not even name her....

i know Portuguese music that flirts with the saudade...

And i am sure she does here too, this is no 'new age' moaning or playfulness for clicks. She gets straight in to that sublime.... hardly anyone else ever could, even Upshaw in truth 

sublime the Polish version: towards good purpose with honour and.... nobility. 

I cry at it every time as now ... 

And of course it is her, with him, 

perfect example of, why...